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Message From President Phillip Husband

Mariela Duran
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Since taking over Local 8 S.E. just over a year ago, we have a renewed focus on organizing and I believe this report to the Membership will show it.

We are currently working on an organizing campaign across the Local to gain contractor base for more job opportunities, for all members of the local. Approval of unions is at an all-time high and now is the time to capitalize on the Labor movement, we have started an aggressive organizing initiative by reaching out to workers that are being mistreated by their employer, such as not receiving overtime pay, safety issues and hostel working conditions. Most workers are led to believe that in the southern states right to work states, that unions are illegal, and that is not true! By contacting mistreated workers that are unhappy in their workplace we can make real change, meaningful change in the life of non-union workers to show them a better way for them and their families while also creating more jobs for you.

We have signed 3 new contractors, and currently in negotiations with 3 more new contractors. We have over 16 contracts expiring this year that we are negotiating and 33 wage negotiations also. With the renewed focus on training from the international union and the International Masonry institute there will be more training opportunities for you and apprentices across the local with upcoming pre-jobs in Nashville, TN. Orlando, FL., Birmingham, Al. and at the National training center this year.

I Have also been involved with the Women’s Committee that meet monthly Via zoom on Saturday mornings, it was a blessing to see the collaboration between them all and the success of women tradespersons across the local. And I would like to encourage more participation in this committee.

The Management Committee and I have partnered with American income life insurance to provide a no cost accidental death and dismemberment insurance for all current dues paying members with a current payout of $2,500.00 and the opportunity for members and families to receive union only rates for other coverage.

We are building a team at the local so that we may better serve you, with that in mind I work for the members and would encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results."